
March 10, 2014

Photos and thoughts

Psalm 30:5's in my head and I think it's the best thing I've read all week. This is how my March began.

My family isn't so much of the outdoor type. Although we travel and eat out every now and then, we still find most comfort when confided in a small room on a Saturday afternoon where we are gathered around to watch a film that is supposed to be Academy-Award winning, but dad's spoiled the ending and that basically ruins the whole experience (The Prestige- awesome stuff). Ma's got her homemade pizza and some apple pie but since our local grocery won't restock, this is the last apple pie we'll ever eat for God knows how long so we split it evenly. I'm on the bean bag to the left, my brother's on the right. We've never labelled it that way, but it's been registered for almost a year now. The littlest one is oblivious and that's always how it's supposed to be.

I don't think i've ever written about the gift of family, i don't think i've ever rambled on giving thanks. But I don't want to ramble on it for paragraphs and paragraphs because I'm exhausted, but I want you to know that I would and I could but i'm hesitant because i know words won't suffice. Neither will photographs. But dear family, I'll always be grateful.


gemma said...

you seem quite wise for a young lady.

Anonymous said...

hello! i love your blog and when i used to read your blog earlier, you used to have another blog-in which you have created a dropdown info of every word. how did you do that? (this is an awkward question so i kept my name anonymous) can you please reply the code? (i'm feeling like an idiot while asking so rudely!)
please reply,

Unknown said...

i love reading this

Unknown said...

i've been reading your blog for a year now and i was in great shock when i saw your photos in Kamiseta along with some accessories! pretty surreal, i guess. but anyways, i love reading your posts - they're lovely, as well as your photographs :)


Maike Brinkman said...

I love reading what you write and seeing these photo's. Your blog is very interesting!

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