A few days ago, my little cousin
Raya found me complaining about my blog name. She asked me what was wrong, and I told her about how my blog name didn't really represent what I was trying to say - the message from my life that I want to convey to all of you. I told her about how odd and strange it was, how flawed it was top to bottom: and then I told her that I was thinking of a new blog title.
"Stella? I like Tease Your Toes. It's unique. Don't change it, please."
Now, yes, I'd admit: I've had some insecurities about this blog, about its content- about everything. I've been thinking a lot about this blog and its essence - truly something I don't want to lose, but definitely something I want to improve on.
I've got lots to say about what I've been thinking about towards this little cyberspace of mine - how I treat it, why I use it and its relevance. I have honestly been so inspired by so many of you, words cannot (and might not ever) suffice.
Koala-tea over quantity.
I'm going to try it all differently.
I'm going to blog like I
mean it.
I'm going to mean what I write and photograph.
I'm going to try my best to post some good stuff.
You know? Real,
real stuff.
And this blog name? I think it'll stick.
There's still that strange yet joyful vibe about it.
innovations are always for the better, now, aren't they?